Controlador LED Universal

Equipo de Faros LED

Controlador LED Universal
Controlador LED Universal

Controlador LED Universal

Controla las fuentes de luz LED y ofrece un sistema redundante integrado. Puede configurarse para adaptarse a una amplia gama de requisitos, incluyendo la modernización parcial, por fases o completa del faro.


  • Built-in interface for turntable lens rotation monitoring, RS232 and RS422/485 format for

third party monitoring

  • Built-in interface for external photocell connection and built-in temperature sensor
  • Fully compliant with IALA, IEC & ITU standards


  • Monitoreo y control GSM incorporado
  • AIS integrado (Tipo 1 o Tipo 3)
  • Antena GPS
  • Preserves traditional lighthouse performance when the LED Light Source is installed in the heritage optics, making the best solution for maintaining the current charted long ranges associated with lighthouses by utilising the optical efficiency of the lens
  • Reduces operational costs due to advanced programming and monitoring
  • An optional built-in GSM module for monitoring and control enables users to access diagnostic data via cell-phone or the web, as well as alarm SMS text messages and emails to designated users
  • Complete and accurate AtoN displays of operational information are monitored in real time
  • Lighthouses can now be synchronised to breakwater or buoy channels on fixed light sources

Hoja de especificaciones: Inglés | Español
Hoja de especificaciones de compra: Inglés
Manual de Instalación: Descargar


Controla las fuentes de luz LED y ofrece un sistema redundante integrado. Puede configurarse para adaptarse a una amplia gama de requisitos, incluyendo la modernización parcial, por fases o completa del faro.


  • Built-in interface for turntable lens rotation monitoring, RS232 and RS422/485 format for

third party monitoring

  • Built-in interface for external photocell connection and built-in temperature sensor
  • Fully compliant with IALA, IEC & ITU standards


  • Monitoreo y control GSM incorporado
  • AIS integrado (Tipo 1 o Tipo 3)
  • Antena GPS
  • Preserves traditional lighthouse performance when the LED Light Source is installed in the heritage optics, making the best solution for maintaining the current charted long ranges associated with lighthouses by utilising the optical efficiency of the lens
  • Reduces operational costs due to advanced programming and monitoring
  • An optional built-in GSM module for monitoring and control enables users to access diagnostic data via cell-phone or the web, as well as alarm SMS text messages and emails to designated users
  • Complete and accurate AtoN displays of operational information are monitored in real time
  • Lighthouses can now be synchronised to breakwater or buoy channels on fixed light sources

Hoja de especificaciones: Inglés | Español
Hoja de especificaciones de compra: Inglés
Manual de Instalación: Descargar

Product Code: SL-LED-CTRL Series for rotating or fixed lenses

Encuentre su solución de iluminación marina